Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is a decision?
A decision should be a record of something your team has already agreed on, for example in an email thread or meeting, that you want to be able to reference easily in the future. Memorist functions as a decision log, a summary of important decisions that require confirmation of team consensus. An example might be the decision to move forward with a certain design—Memorist allows you to turn that verbal agreement from a design review into an actionable request for confirmation, complete with attached design files, notes, the ability to CC meeting participants, and a history of who signed off on what and when.
Wait, but we make thousands of decisions in a single project!!
You don't need to use Memorist to record all your decisions. It's up to you what level of specificity would best suit your needs. It could be that a Memorist project has only a handful decisions. For example, an architect might use Memorist to record approvals of designs and major building decisions. A good rule of thumb is, if anyone might bring it up later, it should probably be recorded in Memorist.
Memorist only lets me assign one decision maker, but my project has several stakeholders.
Decisions recorded in Memorist should have already been made using your existing modes of communication. Since all stakeholders have already agreed, Memorist has the concept of "copied" users (similar to using CC in email). In this way, all relevant parties are witness to the decision, but not everyone is required to perform an action for that decision to be recorded. This keeps your process streamlined.
What is the difference between project members, project admins, and organization admins?
Project Members can view and respond to decisions, but can't create them or change the project settings.
Project Administrators can change your project settings (like tags, team members, and default approvers) and create new decisions for your project. Organization Admins can create and manage projects in your organization, invite or remove users for all projects in your organization, and invite or remove other organization admins.
What is a default approver?
If there is one dedicated person who will be approving most or all of your project decisions, you can designate them as the default approver. Any time you create a decision, it will be pre-filled as assigned to your default approver in order to streamline your decision creating. You can always change the responder to anyone else in your project if it shouldn't be sent to your default approver.
What is the difference between editing and amending a decision?
You can edit decisions that have't been approved or rejected yet. Did you find a typo right after sending a decision? Did you discover that the responder is on vacation and you need to change the due date? Just edit the decision and the responder will be notified that something was changed.
You can amend a decision only if it's already been approved or rejected. This is reserved for bigger changes. Did user testing reveal a fundamental flaw in your design? You can amend a previous decision to reflect the change in direction while still keeping all the information in one place.
What are tags?
Tags are labels used to organize and group your decisions. These might be teams, departments, or any other categorizations you use to sort your decisions. Tags are set at the project level and can be updated from the Project Settings page.
What does it mean to archive a decision?
Archived decisions are hidden in your decision list to keep the most relevant information readily accessible. You may want to archive old decisions that are still important to the history of the project but you need to review regularly.
How do I find archived decisions?
On your decision list, click show more filters and then toggle the archive filter to Include Archives or Only Show Archives to see decisions that have been archived.
When will you send me notifications?
We will email you if:
- Someone invites you to an organization.
- Someone invites you to a project.
- Someone assigns a decision to you.
- Someone sends you a reminder to respond to a decision.
- Someone responds to a decision you created.
- Someone you assigned decisions to is removed from the project.
We will post a public Slack message if:
- Someone creates a decision.
- Someone responds to a decision.
We will send a private Slack message if:
- Someone assigns a decision to you.
- Someone removes you as the responder on a decision.
- Someone responds to a decision you created.
That's too many notifications. Can I opt out?
Of course! In your profile page, you can toggle email and Slack notifications whenever you'd like. Turning off email notifications will turn off all the notifications above. Turning off Slack notifications will turn off the private Slack messages. If you want to remove public notifications for your team, you can remove Slack for your project.
Do I need to pay for a subscription to try Memorist?
Nope! Just sign up to try Memorist free for 30 days. We won’t ask for a credit card, and you can cancel anytime.
How much does Memorist cost?
We offer different subscription options so you can find the best fit for your team. Check out our pricing page for more information.
When will you bill me?
We’ll bill you when you sign up for your subscription, and every month or year from that date depending on your subscription type. You can see your next invoice date in your Organization’s Subscription page. Just go to Organization Settings and click the Subscription tab at the top of the page.
Help! I don’t understand my bill!
Deep breaths. Your Memorist subscription is based on your number of users. If you have up to 5 users, you will be invoiced the base rate of $12/mo. Each additional user is $1/mo, so if you have 10 people on your team, you’ll be invoiced $17/mo. If you switched from monthly to annual, you’ll be invoiced immediately for the annual subscription amount, minus a credit for any remaining time on your monthly subscription. Make sense? If you still have questions, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
I added someone to my team. How will I be invoiced?
We’ll invoice you at the end of the day for any new team members you add that day, and your next monthly invoice will reflect the new total number of users.
Who can change my organization’s subscription settings?
Organization Admins are the only ones who can change your subscription.
When can I change my subscription?
You can change your subscription whenever you’d like. Just go to the Subscription tab in Organization Settings.
How do I change my payment method?
Just go to the Subscription tab in Organization Settings. It will show you some details about the card on file, and you can add a new card number to be charged for your next invoice.
I set up Memorist for my team, but someone else needs to get the invoice. How do I do that?
Just go to the Subscription tab in Organization Settings. You can change the Invoice Email to be who needs to get the invoice.
I received a coupon code! How do I use it?
Just go to the Subscription tab in Organization Settings. Add a Coupon Code under the Credit or Debit Card field and save your settings.
I’ve decided to cancel my subscription. When will I lose access to Memorist?
Oh no! We’re sorry to see you go! Your subscription will remain active until your next invoice date, but will not be renewed. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!
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